What is Wisdom Connections?
The Wisdom Connections Timeless Tradition ↔ Technological Times program was established November 30, 2014 through a generous grant from the GHR FOUNDATION. The program was created for women’s Benedictine communities with women in initial formation. At its inception, the mission of Wisdom Connections was to create a program of formation and education for newer members, preserve the scholarship of our sisters and monks, and to develop an ongoing method of communication among the newer members and their Formation Directors through the use of technology. As of December 1, 2017, the grant funding has ended, and the scope of the program has moved to include all Benedictine communities across the world. Wisdom Connections is now membership-fee-based and allows for use in ongoing and initial formation for community members as well as use with Oblates with the community.
Membership in Wisdom Connections
Membership in Wisdom Connections is available for all Benedictine communities world-wide. Please be aware that all videos and resources are English. It is the responsibility of the members to have the equipment and internet capacity to participate in the program (see below for more info). Membership in Wisdom Connections includes abiding by the Rules & Regulations. (see page 2 of the membership form below for details)
The current membership fee is $500 per community and is due every December 1st. Everyone's membership runs from December 1 to November 30 of any given year with no prorating.
NOTE: If you are not inside the United States of America you may send a US Dollar Bank Draft or if you prefer, you can wire your membership fee directly.
For wiring details, please email Sister Michelle at: wisdomconnectionst4@gmail.com
North American Benedictine Vocation Formation Conference
Since December 2017, T4 has been part of the North American Benedictine Vocation Formation Conference (NABVFC). The NABVFC Core Team administers T4 and the Wisdom Connections Director works under that Team. NABVFC provides educational resources and support for formation and vocation personnel of all Benedictine women. NABVFC offers programs for novices and temporary professed sisters in an effort to provide Benedictine formation. Every two years, the NABVFC symposium brings together formation and vocation personnel. T4 adds another formation component to NABVFC.
Already a Wisdom Connections Member?
If your community has paid the membership fee, your Wisdom Connections Contact person has received login information specific to your community. Please contact her or him to get that information. With that information, you can log into the Wisdom Connections Members' Site with access to all it's resources.
Office Hours
Mon - Thurs: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. U.S.A. Eastern Time
Contact Info
802 E 10th St
Ferdinand, IN 47532
Wisdom Connections is an international formation program for Benedictine communities of women and men.
812-367-1411, ext. 2898