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Sampling of Presenters


Abbot Primate Gregory Polan

Former Abbot of his monastery, Conception Abbey in Conception, Missouri, Abbot Primate Gregory  was elected Abbot Primate in 2016. He is the head of 7,000 Benedictine monks from around the world. Abbot Primate Gregory has donated two seminary classes to the Wisdom Connections Library.  These two classes, one on theology and the other the Old Testament, include a total of 36 seminary level classes.


Sister Karen Joseph

Sister Karen Joseph is a member of the Sisters of St. Benedict in Ferdinand, Indiana. Sister Karen has served in various leadership roles throughout her monastic life, has been involved in committees on the international level within the Benedictine Order and has given retreats and workshops in Benedictine spirituality to Benedictines throughout North America and internationally. Sister Karen has contributed three of her best known presentations to the Wisdom Connections Library.

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Sister Joan Chittister

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Fr. Mattias Newman

Sister Joan is one of the most articulate social analysts and influential religious leaders of our age. Courageous, passionate and charged with energy, she is a much-sought after speaker, counselor and clear voice across all religions. A Benedictine Sister of Erie, PA, Sister Joan is an international lecturer and award-winning author. Sister Joan has generously donated eight classes consisting of over 50 separate videos to the Wisdom Connections Library.

Fr. Matthias is a monk of St. Meinrad Archabbey. He was ordained in 1967 and received his Doctorate in Systematic Theology from San Anselmo Pontifical University in Rome in 1975. He taught theology classes for over thirty years at St. Meinrad seminary.  Fr. Matthias has recorded four full classes for Wisdom Connections, including two classes on Vatican II, a 24-serious class on Monastery History, and seven classes on the Ecumenical Councils.

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